Rabbits & Rodents transport Services
Your Small Pets, Our Big Priority
Stress-Free Transport for Rabbits, Hamsters, and More

step-by-step breakdown of travel modes
Comprehensive Guide to Bird Relocation: Air, Road, and Train Travel Explained
Air Travel for Rabbits and Rodents
Rabbits and rodents can be transported safely by air, but they must travel in the cargo hold under a separate cargo booking. To ensure their comfort and safety, IATA-approved crates of appropriate sizes are required, similar to those used for dogs and cats. These crates provide adequate ventilation, secure enclosures, and a stress-free environment for small animals during air travel.
Train Travel for Rabbits and Rodents
Rabbits, rodents, and other small animals can travel in small crates or baskets when transported by train, accompanied by our experienced handlers. For rabbits, IATA-approved crates are the ideal choice, offering added safety and comfort. For other small animals, we use specially designed baskets to ensure they remain secure and do not escape during the journey, providing peace of mind for pet parents.
Road Travel for Rabbits and Rodents
Rabbits, rodents, and other small animals can also travel comfortably by road in our pet taxis. Similar to train travel, small animals are transported in secure crates or baskets that ensure safety and prevent escape. For rabbits, IATA-approved crates are recommended, while other small animals are placed in well-ventilated and escape-proof baskets, ensuring a smooth and comfortable journey.